The Gyrotonic/Gyrokinesis Method is an engaging exercise that uses a series of physical, rhythmic movements and breath that can help shift one into a better physical, mental and spiritual state. The Gyrotonic/Gyrokinesis Method is often referred to as yoga for dancers incorporating yoga, pilates, tia chi and martial arts movements. The Gyrotonic/Gyrokinesis Method is considered 3 dimensional, gently working joint muscles stimulating the internal organs ~ opening the whole body.
Gyrotonic incorporates the use of a tower and other equipment to maximize the the movements and stretching. Weights and pulleys are utilized to target specific areas of the body. It will assist in expanding the body through movement and breathing. It's beneficial for all ages especially in the abilities of the maturing population with injury to highly professional athletes.
Only a stool and mat are needed to engage the whole body making the movements available to all body types and ages. The breath is incorporated with movement more effectively utilizing oxygen intake creating energy while detoxing congestion with exhalation.